Review: Conscious
Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business
February 19,
Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business
John Mackey and Raj Sisodia
Hardcover: 368
Publisher: Harvard
Business Review Press
ISBN: 978-1422144206
date: January 15, 2013
“This is what we
know to be true: business is good because it creates value, it is
ethical because it is based on voluntary exchange, it is noble
because it can elevate our existence, and it is heroic because it
lifts people out of poverty and creates prosperity.”
John Mackey
this year the co-CEO of Whole
Foods John Mackey along
with Raj Sisodia, a marketing professor at Bentley College, launched:
Conscious Capitalism:
Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business. The
book is a noble attempt to change the outdated obtuse managerial
paradigm of the “way of doing business” while simultaneously
stressing capitalism’s core virtues and noble moral foundations.
The book challenges the way of perceiving companies as simply
profit-maximizing machines squeezing stakeholders in order to achieve
their narrow monetary ends and also warns us of how when we follow
that narrative, we undermine not only our own companies but
capitalism and society.
Capitalism offers a wider view as to how business in general should
be perceived, specifically in this new era of interdependence and
human-social consciousness. The book starts with Mackey challenging
Milton Friedman’s outlook on business; Friedman once stated that
the only genuine role of business was to be responsible only to their
shareholders, with other stakeholders being beyond the realm of
action for business. Today when connectivity and social global
awareness have increased, this view seems to be too narrow and
self-defeating. Additionally it does not explain how companies can
add sustainable value to society through a network of relationships
creating systems of collaboration, interdependency and win-win
partnerships to enrich us all. This book is the authors’ attempt to
expose management and society to this forgotten reality of capitalism
and its inner heroic power of unleashing collaboration and
well-being. Likewise Conscious Capitalism places special emphasis on
the incredible role that entrepreneurs and companies play in modern
society as well as in every aspect of life. Mackey helps us to
realize how most of our daily interactions are related to various
business forms or occur inside different work environments. Therefore
it is imperative to have businessmen who are fully conscious of their
crucial social role and aware of the direct impact they make on
other’s lives and the environment. If we want to have a balanced
society to make people feel fulfilled both spiritually and
materially, Mackey argues is that we need a more conscious, holistic
way of seeing business and a well-rounded conception of capitalism.
In order to share this
awareness among entrepreneurs, the book shows that a radical change
of paradigm is necessary for the way people manage and perceive their
businesses and modify our view of what we understand as capitalism.
If businesses want to become profit-oriented, while retain
sustainable value, increase long-term profits and add value to the
whole society, their only sustainable solution is to elevate their
business scope towards a higher social purpose; which helps to create
a shared integrated vision of society with their stakeholders. This
higher purpose will appeal to others involved in their economic and
social relationships, opening business towards more long-term
beneficial relationships. Embracing ‘conscious capitalism’ is,
according to Mackey, the way in which we can embrace real human and
responsible entrepreneurship, which has been the true engine of
progress in human society for more than 200 years. The only way to
build accountable and successful business practices is to establish
relationships based on love, care, respect and efficiency. This will
benefit customers, employees, investors, communities, suppliers and
the environment. The book illuminates the fact that capitalism is not
based on rapacity and shallow egoistic self-interest but rather
win-win relationships based on harmony and reciprocity. According to
the book, people have failed to understand what true capitalism is
about and how it creates prosperity; this is a menace for a
free-society and its capacity to create spiritual and economical
wealth. This book helps us to rediscover this forgotten reality.
Mackey’s book later
evolves into his personal manifesto of the heroic roles that
entrepreneurs have played in modern societies and how businesses are
the institutions which can contribute to a more tangible way to our
psychological and materialistic well-being. Unfortunately most
business schools preach to some degree versions of a short-term,
voracious, narrow version of business, which pushes business leaders
around the world towards a simplistic erroneous paradigm. This
mistaken vision aims only at seizing short-term monetary gains at
whatever cost, even if it undermines the company’s own long-term
success and damages workers and suppliers. The book proposes a new
management paradigm instead: a holistic, value-centered and socially
integrated company. This manifesto is a clear example of how
capitalism and businesses can be ‘conscious’ trough converging
the personal profit-seeking motives with higher social purposes that
creates value and benefits for local cultures, workers, suppliers and
the environment. There is no clash between society’s interests and
those of profit-seeking industries; they not merely coexist but are
fundamentally interdependent on one another.
The book continues by
reminding us that the true hero in the capitalist system is the
entrepreneur; it is he who elevates the quality of life to all
mankind through serving it. Mackey then poses the following query:
why is capitalism- even after being shown to be the best possible
system in which humans can flourish- so repudiated by intellectuals
and the masses? Businesspeople, Mackey argues, have been losing
ground on defending capitalism on ethical bases; capitalism needs a
better reformulation of its ethics and narrative. The spread of
capitalism’s rotten version, the so-called “crony-capitalism,”
has helped to create the wrong view of what capitalism is really
about. Our new crony-capitalist system is based on short-term,
profit-seeking, greedy businessmen who pursue political connections
and government benefits to seize wealth, while stealing value from
the American consumer. This form of “entrepreneurship” is a
zero-sum game which is totally unfair and immoral. Unfortunately
people see cronyism as our new established form of capitalism, hence
the widespread reluctance to support the capitalist system. Following
this argument, the also book stresses the fact that businesspeople
recognize the profit motive as the only motive of businesses, gives
them the losing ethical ground; the reality is instead quite
different. People start businesses because they want to follow their
passions and dreams, innovate, bear risk and at the same time serve
and improve other people’s lives; this is the real purpose of
business and the winning ethical ground for capitalism.
The book’s
subsequent major theme presents the more practical, managerial mental
models that need to be applied in order to achieve consciousness.
These models are deeply rooted in the philosophy of reciprocity as
previously discussed. Specifically, the book’s mental-models are:
higher purpose and core values, stakeholder integration, conscious
leadership and finally conscious culture and management. All
categories are inherently necessary and reinforce one another when
businesses seek to be conscious capitalists.
Through the mental
models, Mackey reveals several real-life practices that Whole Foods
has applied. They are inspired by the principles of consciousness and
holistic interdependency; these principles are very much homologous
to the ones imbedded in the philosophy of a free-society. These
examples truly enrich the book and display how Whole Foods has added
value through daily decentralize managerial decisions which have made
the business successful. The misbelief that corporations need to only
focus on maximizing monetary profit while neglecting communities, the
health of the employees and the environment in order to succeed is
drastically demystified by Whole Foods real practices. Also the
misbelief that most business decisions are based on trade-offs
between stakeholders is successfully challenged through seeking
win-win solutions in the chain of relationships in which businesses
are imbedded. Overall the book effectively challenges several other
antique mental models which keep us in the “business is evil”
paradigm; henceforth the book acts as a wakeup call to eliminate the
old retrograde business practices in exchange for achieving greater
In conclusion, the
term ‘conscious capitalism’ is a way of thinking about life and
about doing business. It is a stand to seek a higher level of
awareness of our higher purposes in life, our roles and impacts as
humans and businesses and our direct and indirect relationships with
other stakeholders. According to Mackey, it is “a deeper
consciousness about why businesses exist and how they can create more
value”. Thus it is the responsibility of ethical and conscious
businesspeople and entrepreneurs to demonstrate to society their
important role in the world, what businesses can do for local
communities, for families and to solve deep social problems.
Conscious capitalism is therefore not only a story worth telling but
is a vision of our world worth preserving.
free-enterprise capitalism is inherently virtuous and vitally
necessary for democracy and prosperity, crony capitalism is
intrinsically unethical and poses a grave threat to our freedom and
well-being. Unfortunately, our current system has the effect of
corrupting many honorable business-people, pushing them into becoming
reluctant crony capitalist as a matter of survival’
John Mackey