(The order of the books is totally random and correspond to the outcome of my thought process and quick research)
List of some great Economics-Political Economy-Philosophy-Methodology books
11. Adam Smith, The wealth of Nations
22. Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral
33. J.B. Say, A Treatise on Political
44. J.S. Mill, Principles of Political
55. J.S. Mill, On Liberty
66. J.A. Schumpeter, Capitalism
Socialism and Democracy
77. J.A. Schumpeter, The Theory of
Economic Development
88. J.A. Schumpeter, History of Economic
99. J.M. Keynes, General Theory
110. J.M. Keynes, A Treatise on
111. J.M. Keynes, A Treatise on Money
112. F.A. Hayek, Individualism and
Economic Order
113. F.A. Hayek, Collectivist Economic
114. F.A. Hayek, Prices and Production
115. F.A. Hayek, Law Legislation and
Liberty Vol1.
116. Gary Becker, The Economic Approach
to Human Behavior
117. R.H. Coase, The Firm the Market and
the Law
118. Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic
119. Max Weber, Economy and Society
220. Friedman & Schwartz, A monetary
history of the US
221. Mises, Human Action
222. Mises, Theory of Money and Credit
223. Don Patikin, Money Interest and
224. Gary Becker, Economic Theory
225. Buchanan, Tullock, The Calculus of
226. Knut Wicksell, Lectures on Political
227. Walter Bagehot, Lombard Street
228. Armen Alchian, Collected Works
229. Lionel Robbins, An Essay on the
Nature and Significance of Economic Science
330. Kindleberger, Manias Panics and
331. Hicks, Critical Essays in Monetary
332. Hicks, Value and Capital
333. GLS Shackle, Uncertainty in
334. GLS Shackle, Epistemic and Economics
335. Frank Knight, Risk Uncertainty and
336. Irving Fisher, The Theory of Interest as Determined
by Impatience to Spend Income and Opportunity to Invest It
337. Friedman, The Optimum Quantity of
Money and other essays
338. David Hume, Collected Essays,
Liberty Fund
339. Kirzner, Competition and Entrepreneurship
440. Lachman, Capital and its Structure
441. Marx, Capital, Vol 1
Irving, Money Illusion
443. Leijonhufvud, Information and Coordination
Leijonhufvud , On Keynsian
Economics and the Economics of Keynes
445. Alfred Marshall, Principle of
446. Kenneth Arrow, The Limits of
Samuelson, Economics
Sen, Development as Freedom
Menger, Principle of Economics
550. Douglas North, Institutions,
Institutional Change, and Economic Performance
551. Stiglitz, Selected Works of Joseph
E. Stiglitz: Volume I: Information and Economic Analysis
552. Elinor Ostrom, Understanding Institutional Diversity
553. Buchannan, Collected Essays Vol 1
554. Mark Blaug, The Methodology of Economics
McCloskey, The Rhetoric of Economics
Vincent Ostrom, The Meaning of
Democracy and the Vulnerabilities of Democracies
557. Michael Polanyi, Personal Knowledge
558. Abba Lerner, The Economics of Control
559. Morgenstern and von Neuman, Theory of Games and
Economic Behavior
Foundations of Economic Analysis
Amartya Sen, Collective Choice and Social Welfare
Alfred Pigou, The Economics of Welfare
Black Swan, Nassim Taleb
Selgin George, The Theory of Free Banking
Robert Lucas, Studies in Business-Cycle Theory
Robert Solow, Growth Theory: An exposition
George Stigler, Theory of Price
Henry Thornton, An Inquiry Into the Nature And Effects
Of the paper Credit of Great Britain
Leland Yeager, The Fluttering Veil
Clark Warburton, Depression, Inflation and Monetary
Allan Meltzer, A History of the Federal Reserve
Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot, Turgot Collection
74. Henry Hazlitt, The Foundations of Morality
75. Berger, Peter and Luckman Thomas, The Social Construction of Reality
76. Yeager, Leland, Ethics as social science: The Moral Philosophy of social cooperation
77. Schutz, Walsh and Lehnert, Phenomenology of the social world
78. Fama, Merton, The Theory of Finance
79. Fama, Foundations of Finance: Portfolio Decisions and Securities Prices
80. Borjas George, Labor Economics
81. Mankiw, Greg, Macroeconomics
82. R.G. Hawtrey, Good and Bad Trade: An Inquiry Into The Causes of Trade Fluctuations
83. Davis, Hands, Maki, The Handbook of Economic Methodology
84. Menger Carl, Investigations into the Method of the Social Sciences with Special Reference to Economics
85. Clark Gregory, A Farewell to Alms
86. Kunt, Lautzenheisser, History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective
87. Mirowski Philip, The Effortless Economy of Science?
88. Mancur Olson, The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups
89. Mancur Olson, The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation, and Social Rigidities
90. Morgan Mary, The World in the Model: How Economists Work and Think
91. Karl Popper, Conjecture and Refutations
92. Karl Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies
93. Paul Feyerabend, Farewell to Reason
94. Paul Feyerabend, Against Method
95. Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolution
96. Mankiw and Romer, New Keynesian Economics Vol 1 &2
97. Shiller Robert, Irrational Exuberance
98. R.G. Hawtrey, The Art of Central Banking
99. David Ricardo, On the Principled of Political Economy and Taxation
74. Henry Hazlitt, The Foundations of Morality
75. Berger, Peter and Luckman Thomas, The Social Construction of Reality
76. Yeager, Leland, Ethics as social science: The Moral Philosophy of social cooperation
77. Schutz, Walsh and Lehnert, Phenomenology of the social world
78. Fama, Merton, The Theory of Finance
79. Fama, Foundations of Finance: Portfolio Decisions and Securities Prices
80. Borjas George, Labor Economics
81. Mankiw, Greg, Macroeconomics
82. R.G. Hawtrey, Good and Bad Trade: An Inquiry Into The Causes of Trade Fluctuations
83. Davis, Hands, Maki, The Handbook of Economic Methodology
84. Menger Carl, Investigations into the Method of the Social Sciences with Special Reference to Economics
85. Clark Gregory, A Farewell to Alms
86. Kunt, Lautzenheisser, History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective
87. Mirowski Philip, The Effortless Economy of Science?
88. Mancur Olson, The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups
89. Mancur Olson, The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation, and Social Rigidities
90. Morgan Mary, The World in the Model: How Economists Work and Think
91. Karl Popper, Conjecture and Refutations
92. Karl Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies
93. Paul Feyerabend, Farewell to Reason
94. Paul Feyerabend, Against Method
95. Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolution
96. Mankiw and Romer, New Keynesian Economics Vol 1 &2
97. Shiller Robert, Irrational Exuberance
98. R.G. Hawtrey, The Art of Central Banking
99. David Ricardo, On the Principled of Political Economy and Taxation
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