The Cantillon Effect on
Relative Prices: the redistribution of wealth through
monetary policy
Pablo Paniagua June, 2012
Pablo Paniagua June, 2012
“Mr. Locke lays it down as a fundamental maxim that
the quantity of produce
and merchandise in proportion to the quantity of money
serves as
the regulator of market price. I have tried to
elucidate his idea in the preceding
chapters: he has clearly seen that the abundance of
money makes
everything dear, but he has not considered how it does
so. The great difficulty
of this question consists in knowing in what way and
in what proportion
the increase of money
raises prices.”
Richard Cantillon
Richard Cantillon, the Mississippi Bubble and the Non-neutrality of
Richard Cantillon (1680’s – 1734) was an Irish-born
economist and banker who lived most of his life in Paris as a bank owner. He
was the author of “Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en General”(Essay on the Nature
of Trade in General), but other essays that Cantillon may have published remain
unknown. It was during his life as a
banker and speculator in Paris when Cantillon fully understood the real effect monetary
policy has on real life economics. At the same time he applied this knowledge,
helping him to build his fortune profiting from the Mississippi bubble during
1717-1720. His treatise is the only printed contribution of Cantillon that
remains today; it was written around 1730 then circulated as a manuscript until
it was finally published posthumously in 1755.
When his manuscript circulated all around Central
Europe and England, it is believed that his essay was widely read among Classic
Economists at the time. It was
definitely read by and influenced most of David Hume’s insights on Monetary
Policy. Richard Cantillon has the honor of being amongst the few fully cited by
Adam Smith in the “Wealth of Nations”. Unfortunately right after Smith’s
publication, Cantillon’s Essai fell
into oblivion. The neglect of all the pre-Smithian Economics helped to established
Smith’s work as the only reliable source, influencing more than 100 years of economic
Only after the Austrian Marginal Revolution of the
1870’s led by Carl Menger and then followed by Austrian generations, they
returned some influence and value to the pre-Smithian thoughts. This is
particularly true in the field of Individualistic-Subjectivist Theory of Value,
much in line with the individualistic and methodological approach first used by
Cantillon himself. Menger later revived the individualistic approach. The
Austrian Revolution of individual-subjective methodology towards economic
phenomena finally brought some attention to other theories outside the British
Paradigm and contributed to a whole new spectrum of economic analysis and methodology
in Social Sciences.
Professor Hayek defined Cantillon as “this gifted
independent observer, enjoying an unsurpassed vantage point in the midst of the
action, coordinated what he saw with the eyes of the born theoretician and was
the first person who succeeded in penetrating and presenting to us almost the
entire field which we call now economics”. Therefore the Austrians consider
Cantillon as the “first of the modern economist”. He helped to emancipate
economic analysis from the entanglement with ethical and political concerns in
order to establish it as a subject of its own.
Therefore after more than 250 years of neglect and
oblivion, today we can say with confidence that Richard Cantillon, the
French-Irish banker was the “Father of Modern Economics” since he wrote Essai a full 4 decades before the “Wealth
of Nations”. Although little is known about Cantillon’s life, we have the
certainty that most of his relevant work and life experience was conducted in
Paris, where he experienced real life economics in a way that completely
changed his insights forever.
The most important experience during his life as a
banker was his association and participation in the Mississippi Company with
the Scottish adventurer and inflationist banker John Law (1571-1729). Law,
backed by the King of France Lois XIV, secretly embezzled a great part of the
French population with his financial scheme of issuing extensive paper money to
keep financial assets highly valued. In particular, he kept the Mississippi
Company’s stocks at unsustainable high levels while it devaluated the currency
and decreased the French government’s debt burden. Law persuaded the King of
France to take control of issuing money in order to “promote wealth”; therefore
Law established a loose monetary policy.
He believed that with a massive flow of paper money to
the economy, the government could reduce its deficit while “promoting growth” through
the Mississippi Company. This inflation scheme ended abruptly in 1720 when the speculative
Mississippi bubble burst. It was under this massive injection of liquidity and
indiscriminate state intervention that influenced much of Cantillon’s Essai on Monetary Policy. Cantillon
himself became a millionaire through of the speculative bubble: he understood
the scheme and rode the bubble, then sold his assets before it burst. This left
him wealthy and the entire French nation impoverished. Cantillon returned to
London and in 1730 he wrote Essai
based on his earlier first-hand experience with paper money and irresponsible
monetary policies conducted by Law and the French monarchy.
With the collapse of Law’s paper money scheme,
Cantillon understood that market forces are the true determinant of money’s value.
He also understood that money itself is not neutral in the real economy in terms
of the production structure, consumption and income distribution. The real
value of money is in its ability to facilitate transactions within a market
economy. Therefore the intrinsic value of money relays on the commodity to which
it is pegged but the money in the market will fluctuate around that intrinsic
value. In most cases, it should be the intrinsic value of gold attached to its
production and extraction cost. In a free market economy the value of the gold
money will be set by the individual’s interaction within the system, or by the
“consent of mankind”. Cantillon then realized that paper money has no cost of
production therefore does not have intrinsic value. The market spontaneously
sets the value of paper money at par with the gold money, just as long as the
fiduciary paper can be redeemed in the commodity.
noted that an increase in the monetary paper base has the same effect as an increase
in the real gold commodity. He noticed that this process happens as long as the
market participants are confident and do not notice the paper money’s monetary debasement.
Cantillon understood that since paper money has zero production cost for
governments and it is treated as gold money in the market, it puts the
governments in an advantageous position. It is a large temptation to increase
the monetary base and print more money, but this would create unforeseen
distortions. It is the paper money introduced by the state which lies outside
the spontaneous accord of mankind that unsettles the market’s interactions. Therefore
is not neutral, as Cantillon stated:
“When money circulates there in greater abundance than
among its neighbors a national bank does more harm than good. An abundance of
fictitious and imaginary money causes the same disadvantages as an increase of
real money in circulation, by raising the price of land and labor, or by making
works and manufactures more expensive at the risk of subsequent loss. But this
furtive abundance vanishes at the first gust of discredit and precipitates
Then the real value of gold as money is set within the
interaction of individuals and its value will sporadically fluctuate with the
market process. Therefore Cantillon understood that if the state introduces a
centralized paper money, along with the gold currency, money will diverge from
being neutral to creating instability in the market prices. The Mississippi
bubble was his most lively reminder of this fact.
Individualistic Approach and the Cantillon Effect:
Cantillon in many ways is considered a proto-Austrian
since he carried much of the individualistic insights of the Austrian School that
enriched the development of ideas about economic phenomena. This approach is
attributed to Carl Menger, the founder of the Austrian School, but Cantillon
reflects them as well. Like the Austrian School, he believed that economic
phenomena should be analyzed on the base of individual economic decisions and
actions of single persons.
Following this approach, it becomes comprehensible
that under a form of spontaneous order in which economic actors interact and
make decisions (adjusting their actions to the contingency of others), the only
way to create an efficient communication system among decentralized activities
is through a price system. It is this
sort of price system that can truly reflect the real spontaneous interactions
of decentralizing decisions made by individuals. Therefore prices are the way to
disseminate relevant information within a market economy and are the most
efficient and decentralized allocation of resources.
We can see that if societies rely on any form of
spontaneous order in their economic activities, unadulterated prices are the way that relevant information gets transmitted
to actors. Under this system, the relevance of relative prices on economic
decisions becomes extremely evident. It is under the Austrian and Cantillon’s
individualistic approach that the flexibility of individual interactions can be
reflected in relative prices and not in macroeconomic aggregates. This is why
single and relative prices are so important to the economy. This approach is in
complete contrast with other Economic schools that rely on macroeconomic
aggregates. The approach led by Cantillon and Menger was a huge paradigmatic change
in economic methodology since it rejected the macroeconomic approach for
methodological individualism.
Cantillon also preceded the Austrians in the business
cycles theory and the effect of monetary expansions, what is now considered the
“Cantillon Effect”. His analysis in Monetary
Policy preceded those of Mises and Hayek in realizing that the biggest problem
with any sort of monetary stimulus is that it is not equally distributed to all
economic actors; it is rather a step-by-step process in which the new money
permeates throughout the economy and industries at various speeds. As Wenli Cheng and Simon D. Angus defined in their last
“Since new money does not reach
everyone at the same time, the injection of money increases the purchasing
power of those who receive the new money first, enabling them to bid resources
away from those who receive that money at a later time. As a result, relative
prices will change, resources will be reallocated and income will be
redistributed during the time interval between money injection and its final
permeation in the economy. These changes are referred to as the Cantillon Effect”.
Therefore the Effect starts with some actors receiving
money then it slowly transmits to other actors in the economy. In this process
relative prices are extremely important because there will be prices which rise
more sharply than others, especially those prices correlated with the
activities involved with the freshly introduced new money.
During this adjustment only some prices will increase,
therefore the full increase of overall prices is not straightforward or
noticeable at an aggregate level; the stimulus’ consequences cannot be fully
followed on a macroeconomic base. Since the alteration due to the new money affects
relative prices and not the overall aggregate level, certain prices will
respond faster to the stimulus than others. This distorts and affects the
decisions of entrepreneurs and individuals, skewing their resource allocation
and drastically changing the whole economic structure and production. This
creates relative inflation and disproportionate price increases of different
Richard Cantillon was the first to criticize the naïve
belief of aggregate monitoring and the false notion of price stabilization being
determined by an aggregate entity. He criticized monetary theory based on
macroeconomic aggregates because he believed in the individualistic approach of
economic phenomena: the relative prices and interaction of single individuals.
He was aware of the danger that these relative
relations and prices were completely neglected by central authorities. The
naïve belief of macro entities monitoring monetary stimulus is unfortunately
still widely accepted by both Neoclassic and Monetarist Economists. For example,
Monetarist Economist and the Chicago School see inflation as harmonized whereas
Mises and Hayek based on the Cantillon’s powerful insight were certain that
this harmonization of rising prices is a fantasy. Nowadays this macro approach
is used by practically all central banks worldwide and after the 2007 financial
crises, we have empirical evidence of how this approach appears to be working
for our society.
Fortunately for Cantillon, real life economics through
the Law scheme and the Mississippi bubble showed him money printing’s powerful
distortion on relative prices, which create the boom and bust cycles. Under
this form of stimulus, the “Cantillon Effect”
When money first appears, it is channeled into the
economy only to some actors or into industries previously selected by the
central authority. The new money increases the spending availability and
purchasing power of these initial actors, increasing their well-being and
purchasing capacity without any price increase at first. This positive effect
comes at the expense of the people at the end of the monetary stimulus chain; those
who receive it after it has already circulated around the economy will face
higher prices than the initial individuals. This therefore damages their
expending power and produces a zero-sum game.
After the money has circulated, it raised enough
prices so that the last people see an increase in their cost of living,
diminishing their purchasing power and their quality of life. Consequently income and wealth are being redistributed
or even more expropriated from the last receivers to the benefit of the
“enlightened” individuals who received the stimulus first. Therefore monetary
stimulus led by government interventions is always discretionary and
predestined to favor only a part of society.
Moreover the worst part of this stimulus is that
relative prices or goods will change in unpredicted ways, depending on which
goods the early receivers of the money will spend their money on. Therefore relative prices will change arbitrarily
and the overall measure of the price changes will not reflect these
interactions, nor be able to unveil further distortions and assets price bubbles.
As Cantillon stated “The important truth is that economic laws are qualitative
and not quantitative”. Consequently any attempt to foresee the changes in
relative prices for any sort of economic stimulus is futile.
In addition, Cantillon understood that interest rates
are not purely a monetary phenomenon; he realized that they are determined by
the spontaneous interaction of borrowers and lenders in open market operations,
once again like money, using the individualistic methodology. Natural interest
rates are determined by the spontaneous cooperation of individuals and again the
fundamental problem arises and the “Cantillon
Effect” appears. This time it affects interest rates: to whom this new
money injection will be channeled will determine the change and the overall
stimulus result on the interest rate in the short run.
If the new money finishes in the lenders’ hands then
the interest rates will fall; but if the money is poured to the borrowers or consumers,
then the stimulus will incentive consumption today rather than investment. Then
if the stimulus increases consumption, it will change the time preferences of
some savers and consumers, raising the interest rates and counterbalancing the
previous effect on the lenders. Therefore an increase in the supply of money
can have both effects: it can either decrease the interest rate or can increase
it due to the overall stimulus effect being channeled to consumers.
The outcome will finally depend on the new money’s
velocity of circulation, on the stimulus’ initial entrance into the economy, and
also how it spreads across industries and actors. The final result is
nonetheless out of the central authorities’ reach.
course, it is one thing to assert that monetary changes are the key to major
movements in money income; it is quite a different thing to know in any detail
what is the mechanism that links monetary change to economic change; how the
influence of the one is transmitted to the other; what sectors of the economy
will be affected first; what the time pattern of the impacts will be, and so
on. We have a great confidence in the first assertion. We have little
confidence in our knowledge of the transmission mechanism, except in such a
broad and vague terms as to constitute little more than an impressionistic
representation rather than an engineering blueprint”.
Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz
Finally, Cantillon not only provided us with the cause
and effect of monetary stimulus but he also provided its cure: the fundamental alleviation
is preventing governments or central authorities in intervening in the economy
and with the intertemporal preferences of heterogeneous individuals being
settled by the market’s spontaneous order. According to Cantillon, this is the
only way to prevent further unnatural allocation of resources, further monetary
crisis and above all indiscriminate policies of expropriation of wealth in our
* Edited by Victoria Finn
- Cantillon on the
Cause of the Business Cycle, Mark Thorton, The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics Vol. 9, NO.3. (FALL 2006): 45–60
Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en Général, Cantillon, Richard. [1755] 1959,Henry
ed. and trans. London: Frank Cass.
- The Cantillon Effect of Money
Injection through Deficit Spending, Wenli Cheng and Simon Angus, Discussion
paper, Department of Economics Monash University.
- The Trend of Economic Thinking, Richard
Cantillon, The Collected Works of F.A. Hayek.
- Paper Money Collapse, Detlev Schlichter, John
- New Directions in Austrian Economics,
Spontaneous Order and the Coordination of Economic Activities, Gerald P.
O’Driscoll, Jr., Lundwig Von Mises Institute 1978.
- The Optimum Quantity of Money, Milton
Friedman and Anna Schwartz, Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co. 1969.
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