Remember Esperanto? The limits of human reason and the benefits of
self-organizing processes
by Pablo
June, 2012
“Homo non Intelligendo fit omnia”
“Man became all he is without fully understand it”
“Some activities of the human mind prosper by the
mutually adjusted efforts of individual contributor. Thus language and writing
are developed and adopted by individuals communicating trough them with each
other. …These as many other branches of human culture, are fostered by methods
of spontaneous orders”
“An extended order is a system in which far surpasses
the reach of our understanding, wishes and purposes, and our sense perceptions,
and that which incorporates and generates knowledge which no individual brain,
or any single organization, could posses or invent”
A. von Hayek
Esperanto: the first international, planned language
Have you ever heard of Esperanto? If not, then you probably have not
heard one of the most interesting stories of an international planned order,
applied into social orders. In this case, it particularly applies to languages
and communication and became the first attempt in human history to use reason
to create a common language.
Esperanto is officially the first try in establishing an international
planned and reason- based language into social communication. It is also the
first attempt to purposely use reason and mechanic order to design a language
constructed by just a few people’s knowledge and reason, then apply and
implement it in order to spur common global language coordination. Esperanto is
also the first massive project of an international language established through
human intention and calculation. Esperanto was formulated to be an
internationally auxiliary language, or IAL; in simple terms, this means a
language intended to ease the communication among people from different
countries who do not share the same native language. In a way Esperanto is a
project planned and developed by intended human action and reason. It is an
effort to apply knowledge and intelligence to establish an effective and
artificially defined second language; all with the hopes for promoting peace
and understanding amongst humanity.
International Auxiliary Languages have been spontaneously adopted by
humans since they started to interact with others from different cultures and
nationalities. Indeed trade in itself was and has been one of the preponderant
factors towards the necessity for humans from diverse countries and backgrounds
to easily interact for successful and fluid international trade. Greece, being
the first predominant Western cultural and Mediterranean merchant influence,
spread the natural necessity for a common language between its trading
partners. In order to trade with Greece, people spontaneously adopted ancient
Greek as an IAL. We have also seen several other spontaneous adoptions of
auxiliary languages throughout history. The main characteristic of them is that
they have been adopted instinctively by people’s interaction and through
individual’s spontaneous coordination in trading societies. Nowadays we
experience the same daily influence from the English language through the
necessity of international trade and globalization. This is true despite the
fact that it has not been imposed by any law or created by any man; the
spontaneous adoption of the English language by free individuals has created unexpected
benefits for societies and promoted trade and growth worldwide.
However all IALs which humans have spontaneously adopted and used are,
in one way or another, associated with some level of “supremacy” or influence,
whether it be cultural, political or economic. Thus even if IALs are used
internationally, there is a possibility that some countries accept the
language, but with certain reluctance and fear; they could believe that some
foreign forces or those with hidden agendas are imposing the new language.
Contrarily, people believed in the necessity to promote an artificially created
language based on reason, cultural equality and lack of political or economical
oppression. This synthetically created language was then supposed to be the
most efficient solution for human communication and also eliminate the “imposed
supremacy” perception. Esperanto therefore was created with the intention for a
language in which no single predominant cultural influence imposed human
Esperanto is nowadays the most extensive attempt of a constructed,
rational, artificially created and binding International Auxiliary Language.
Its name is derived from “Doktoro Esperanto”, with Esperanto meaning “one who
hopes”; this was the pseudonym that L. Zamenhof used when he published his book
“Unua Libro” in 1887. Mr. Zamenhof had the idea of fabricating an easy to learn
and politically neutral language, which would not use any nationality and would
promote peace and international understanding. The first world congress of
Esperanto was held in France in 1905, but still today no single country has
officially adopted Esperanto as a legal language. It has less than 2 million
speakers worldwide and is fluently spoken by less than 100,000 people. We must
then ask ourselves, why is Esperanto such a novel and good idea? It is based on
human intellect and has the best of intentions, so why was it not
internationally adopted?
The reason is that Esperanto supporters unfortunately didn’t realize
that the idea of creating a language based on human reason and pre-programmed
management had two sides: on one hand it aimed to reduce nationality dominance
or political and economic influences but ironically on the other hand it
created yet another sort of dominance and control. The influence changed from
political and economic influence towards authority of reason over natural
orders. The fact of trying to select a “more optimal” common language based on
human reason, Esperanto speakers and its creator tried to impose their reason and
beliefs upon the spontaneous order of human interactions, those which have been
instinctively and unconsciously deciding on languages for international
communication without any imposition or artificial creation. Therefore we can
clearly see the idea of promoting human programming and excessive use of reason
and then attempting to enforce it over natural spontaneous orders, which have
in the past generated very optimal languages. This entire endeavor to promote
the language instead of leaving it to individuals’ spontaneous interactions and
the self-originating languages evolution are always suboptimal and ineffective
in the long run. They block and impede the evolution of free interaction and
try to promote a controlled “rational” order, which was established by a single
individual’s ideas and knowledge. When in actuality we have seen that human
society achieves greatness through spontaneous individual interactions without
fully recognizing it.
A planned, administered and reason-based structured language is usually
known as “conland”. Languages of this sort possess phonology, grammar and
vocabulary that has been consciously created and designed by some authority,
single individuals or groups. These people try to employ their reason by
proposing a system that should be adopted by the rest, for the greater
society. The base of a planned language
relies on the whole idea of rationalist positivism, which helped create the
counterfeit assumption that humans can shape the world at will through the full
use of reason and conscious planning. This notion is particularly dangerous
when applied in the field of large, complex social structures or organisms that
are far beyond a single individual’s knowledge and reach.
People always inappropriately neglect the fact that there are orders,
especially in complex systems, which lay beyond our planning and control.
Therefore we have to approach them with intellectual humbleness and lucid
skepticism using the real possibilities and reach of human reason. In this case, even if Esperanto was created
with the best of intentions such as to promote understanding and peace, it
neglects the advantage of spontaneously created and adopted languages and
ignores the benefits of letting people decide what their common language should
be, this in fact is the fastest and easiest way to create human coordination
and understanding.
Dr. Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof created Esperanto as an applied, mingled,
arbitrary constructed language. Therefore his idea was to have a language with
an undefined ethnic root, although in reality the grammar, vocabulary and
semantics are based on Western European languages. It is, in a way, much
defined and has a geographic bias towards Central Europe, especially since
Slavic roots influence its phonetics. The main vocabulary is derived from
romance languages with lesser contributions from Germanic and Slavic languages,
as well as some Greek.
The Esperanto alphabet is based on the Latin structure and uses a
one-sound-one-letter principle. The alphabet does not include the letters q, w,
x, or y, which are only allowed when writing foreign terms or names. The 28
letter based alphabet is:
a b c ĉ d e f g ĝ h ĥ i j ĵ k l m n o p r s ŝ t u ŭ v z
Esperanto’s vocabulary was defined in the book “Linguo Internacia”,
published by Zamenhof in 1887. It lists 900 word roots. In 1894 Zamenhof
published the first Esperanto dictionary, called “Universala Vortaro”. Since
that publication, many Esperanto words have been imported into Western European
languages. Everyday terms are usually derived from existing Esperanto roots,
for example the word “computer” is Komputilo,
coming from the verb Komputi “to
compute” and the suffix ilo, meaning
“tool”. Despite this, Esperanto speakers often debate whether importing
“foreign words” is justified or not and whether to use Esperanto based
expressions by extending the meaning of existing Esperanto words.
In synthesis we have seen the basic main structural characteristic of
the Esperanto language, so now we have to comprehend why Esperanto is not
widely spoken and has barely been adopted. Why has Esperanto, being based on
cultural equality, having the goal of promoting peace and having been created
in order to be an efficient and easy to learn language, not yet been adopted?
The response lays again in the natural order of human interaction and the
inherent evolution of self-organizing process, in this case applied to language
and communication.
Naturally selected auxiliary languages and why they are optimal for
“The market is not the only form of spontaneous order. Consider
language. No one sat down to write the English language and then teach it to
early Englishmen. It arose and changed naturally, spontaneously, in response to
human needs”.
David Boaz
“So far as we know, the extended
order is probably the most complex structure in the universe, a structure in
which biological organisms that are already highly complex have acquired the
capacity to learn, to assimilate, parts of supra-personal traditions enabling
them to adapt themselves from moment to moment into an ever changing structure
possessing an order of a still higher level of complexity”.
F.A. Hayek
A naturally selected language is a system of coordination and
communication based on the spontaneous growth and adoption of structures and
expression that end with the creation of our current languages. These languages
have not been deliberately selected, designed nor imposed by any human mind, as
Carl Menger stated: “There exists a certain similarity between natural organisms
and a series of structures of social life, both in respect to their function
and to their origin.” In this sense, all auxiliary languages adopted by human
societies throughout history have been through spontaneous patterns: Greek,
Latin and nowadays English. Hence based on the benefits and the speed by which
humans spontaneously select an auxiliary language, we can understand how an
imposed and arbitrarily created language such as Esperanto was born a failed
The whole idea of understanding the benefits and the significance of
natural spontaneous and evolutionary systems towards the growth of our society
comes from a fundamental attitude of true individualism, as Professor Hayek
stated, “True individualism…. is one of humility towards the process by which
mankind has achieved things which have not been designed or understood by any
individual and are indeed greater than a single individual mind.” This
evidently can be applied towards our case in which a single individual, Dr.
Zamenhof, arbitrarily created a system of language on his own which he believed
and reasoned would be the best outcome and solution for coordinating people’s
communication. We have to understand that the real source of any language is
the outcome of unintended historical development of human interaction and
As Carl Menger noticed, there is a subtle difference between organisms
being created through reason or mechanical ways and through other social orders
which are spontaneous and reason plays a lesser role. He stated:
organisms are composed of elements which serve the function of the unit in a
thoroughly mechanical way. They are results of purely causal processes, of the
mechanical play of natural forces. The so-called social organisms, on the
contrary, simply cannot be viewed and interpreted as the product of purely
mechanical forces effects. They are, rather, the result of human efforts, the
efforts of thinking, feeling, and acting human beings”.
Therefore Menger fully understood the benefits of unintended orders,
which are based on individual human efforts and not often on thought, reason,
authority or a common social will.
Unfortunately Dr. Zamenhof and the people that believed in Esperanto’s
benefits neglected that natural social organic systems are greater and more
complex that any human mind can design or understand. This error of overlooking
the relevance of unintended orders that created our human institutions is a
very common mistake which can be seen in numerous areas throughout human
history - money and the exchange market being one of the most misunderstand.
However falling into this error and human reason abuse is quite a common
mistake, even for the most intelligent human beings. In fact, paradoxically the
more intelligent a person is, the more likely he will fall into the
positivist-rationalist trap; in the pretense of their own knowledge, they
consequently abuse and test the limits of their reason. This as Hayek defined
embodies a naïve and uncritical idea of rationalism which is an obsolete school
of thought for our complex society. Unfortunately it is still a widely applied
methodology; Hayek called it “constructivist rationalism”. Under this system we
believe we can create institutions such as languages based on our own knowledge
and reason, when in fact as we have seen, that solution is a suboptimal
alternative when empirically tested in societies.
Dr. Zamenhof had the best of intentions and was unaware of the benefits
and unlimited possibilities of an extended order lying outside any human
reason. He fell prey to positive constructivism’s common fallacy based on
reason and knowledge and tried to apply it in a communication system. As we
have seen, Esperanto has been around for more than 120 years and it has barely
been adopted and scarcely fluently used. Unless individuals started to
spontaneously and naturally adopt Esperanto as a language, any attempt to impose
and push its use as an International Auxiliary Language is consequently
ineffective and unnatural.
I have used the word “natural” so far as Hayek intended it, in the sense
of innate or instinctive whereas “artificial” means a product of human design. The
ideas of natural evolution and spontaneous orders gradually emerged in Hume and
Mandeville’s works, which stated and highlighted the benefits of random
formations and selective evolution. Thereafter Adam Smith made a greater
methodical use of these insights and developed a more structured theory of
natural evolution and spontaneous selection which slowly dislocated the
Aristotelian perspective of planning through positivist human reason. Finally
through Carl Menger we have a more developed theory and a profound
understanding of the benefits of human interaction and the formation of
institutions through spontaneous formation of orders. Money, the Rule of Law
and in our case Languages are therefore the unintended consequence of
individual free interaction. The resulting outcomes of spontaneously created
systems such as languages are defined as systems with the minimum production
cost of human efforts; they display the greatest utility and benefits when
spread. Extraordinarily these self-organizing evolutionary systems are formed
by individual activities and communications, moving and changing within a wide
spectrum of unforeseeable directions, without anyone specifically directing
In conclusion, individuals engage in unplanned organization under a unifying
language. Using a certain language, chosen freely by them and guided by their
own individual incentives, does not aim to promote societal welfare or the
social body as a whole; rather it
indirectly aims to allow free spontaneous interaction of them,
unconsciously conducted to be bigger and better than the individual sums of its
part. This leads to a freely spontaneous selected International Auxiliary
Language. In today’s case the spontaneous interaction led to English, tomorrow
it could be Chinese; we do not know the outcome that free society’s future
interactions may bring, but we can definitely establish it will not be any form
of artificial and imposed Esperanto.
* Edited by
Victoria Finn
Esperanto Flag:
Michael Polanyi, The Logic of
Liberty, the Liberty Fund, Inc, 1998.
F.A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit,
Chicago Press, 1988.
Carl Menger, Problems of Economics
and Sociology, University of Illinois Press, 1963.
There's a curious and wrong assertion herte that Esperanto "has barely been adopted and scarcely fluently used".
ReplyDeleteI've been using Esperanto now for forty years. This language has some remarkable practical benefits. Personally, I’ve made friends around the world through Esperanto that I would never have been able to communicate with otherwise. And then there’s the Pasporta Servo, which provides free lodging and local information to Esperanto-speaking travellers in over 90 countries. Over recent years I have had guided tours of Berlin, Douala and Milan in this planned language. I have discussed philosophy with a Slovene poet, humour on television with a Bulgarian TV producer. I’ve discussed what life was like in East Berlin before the wall came down, how to cook perfect spaghetti, the advantages and disadvantages of monarchy, and so on. I recommend it, not just as an ideal but as a very practical way to overcome language barriers and get to know people from a very different cultural background. My experience suggests to me that the distinction between natural and artificial language is more apparent than real. Indeed, my own experience after many decades of using Esperanto is that a planned language can be "internalised" as well as any mother tongue.
I hope you'll allow me to add that Esperanto is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year. That's quite an achievement for what started as the idea of just one man. It has survived wars and strikes and economic crises, and continues to attract young learners.
If you're interested in Esperanto, take a look at
Esperanto is certainly not something historical. During a short period of 125 years Esperanto is now in the top 100 languages, out of 6,800 worldwide. It is the 22nd most used language in Wikipedia, ahead of Danish and Arabic. It is a language choice of Google, Skype, Firefox, Ubuntu and Facebook.
DeleteNative Esperanto speakers, (people who have used the language from birth), include World Chess Champion Susan Polger, Ulrich Brandenberg the new German Ambassador to and Nobel Laureate Daniel Bovet.
Financier George Soros learnt Esperanto as a child.
Esperanto is a living language - see
Their new online course has 125 000 hits per day and Esperanto Wikipedia enjoys 400 000 hits per day. That can't be bad :)
There were many simple ideas developed by one human, which in fact were the childs of epoc (parallels discovieries and inventions). From the many artifficial languages Esperanto, by spontaneous decision of many humans, was choosen as the best. In fact, it isn't so artifficial, because it is based on the native languages. It doesn't provide anything new, just the great simplicity.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't seem that any power will impose it. It is developed by volunteer community all over the world. I suppose, it might become global IAL, but if it will happen, it will be made by spontaneus decisions of simple humans, not governments, in beautiful libertatian style.
Sorry for my poor English
Grzesik Patryk
The UNESCO recommended Esperanto in 1954,read the resolution if you have not read it.
It will be in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the young diplomats in Indonesia. Time has changed, and concept of Esperanto has to be changed too.
Esperanto was being researched and voted to be the best business language by French Chamber of Commerce in 1920 but was barred by the French government then.
Brazil has included in the high schools as an elective subject.
The Esperanto business is alive and kicking
Hope the above would update your economy sense that Esperanto can help all countries in the world to be bilingual country within 200 hours, how much would that save the country and the time of the people.
I myself am a native English-speaker who started learning Esperanto a little more than 2-1/2 years ago; at that time I was already moderately proficient in French, i.e. able to ask directions, order from a French menu, book a hotel room, etc. Today my Esperanto is much stronger than my French, and it's only a question of time before it's sufficient to write/translate articles or books in Esperanto. This was accomplished in my spare time.
ReplyDeleteThe more I learned about the thinking behind Esperanto, the more impressed I became. It's utterly brilliant: uniquely clear, precise, logical, regular, coherent, expressive and easy to learn in ways which no ethnic language (English included) ever was or ever will be. It's the ideal second language for everyone in the world.
It's real brilliance though, is that it's a philosophic language: it's not comprised of concretes, but of invariant roots which can be freely combined to express any desired meaning precisely. Where western languages are full of syntactically-unrelated words with similar meanings and syntactically-related words with different meanings, Esperanto is not. Every single word in Esperanto is comprised of one or more roots, and automatically takes its' meaning from the combination of their meanings.
An example of this is the verb plibonigi, which means to improve. It's meaning is automatically derived from the meanings of pli (more), bon/a (good) and -ig (cause to be) and it can only mean that, now and forever. Esperanto is superior to English in every way, so much so that I would give this anarchic, mongrel language up for Esperanto in a heartbeat if only I could.
Esperanto is a planned international language, but not an "international planned order"; a libertarian should understand the difference. Constructed languages are designed to serve a purpose, e.g. Lojban to support logical thought, Ithkuil for maximum precision, Quenya for beauty, Toki Pona for simplicity, and Esperanto for international communication. When designing an "international language", certain criteria naturally arise (e.g. phonetic spelling and regularity of grammar), and Esperanto was designed to meet them. Esperanto is 80% Latin, and arguably a regularized Latin, so it is based on a successful, proven lingua franca, not a terribly radical conlang like the ones mentioned previously. Its initial design was just a starting point; since then it has evolved like any language. Esperanto was the project of one man, a medical doctor, not a government or other group trying to impose an "order". It's a tool, like Bitcoin, to be used or not. Like Bitcoin it is a product of reason and design. Some choose to use it, some don't, but those who find it useful would disagree with those who declare it a "planned order" or failure under arbitrary criteria. That the creator had a greater vision is hardly relevant.
ReplyDeleteEsperanto usage has grown from 1 to more than 1M speakers with no military backing, unlike other lingua francas. This puts it in the top 3% of the world's 6000 languages, not bad. By nearly any metric it is successful and growing. Look up the number of people learning it at the new web site If Esperanto is a failure, then so is Estonian; if I were to tell an Estonian that his language was a failure, he would rightly consider me a fool.
In the 21st century we have a conscious understanding of the "diffusion of innovations" and the technology adoption curve. There are countless innovations, large and small, radical or modest, with or without the backing of governments, industry consortia, or ordinary individuals. Some manage to "cross the chasm", some do not, for many possible reasons. One should be cautious about attributing the success or failure of any of them (e.g. the metric system, Bitcoin, or Esperanto) to a single cause chosen according to one's personal biases.